Credit Card can be defined as an entity it might be a physical plastic card or a metallic card or an online app or just the card details which helps you in availing credit facility to spend on products/services. There are various conditions with borrowing of a Credit Card which we will be discussing here. […]
Cryptocurrency comes from two words Crypto and Currency. You might have heard about Cryptography. Crypto means secret or concealed. The study and creation of the techniques, tools and methods to pass information securely which can not be decrypted by adversaries can be called as Cryptography in broad terms. When these techniques are applied for currency […]
BNPL (buy now pay later) as the name suggests can be defined as the partial/full amount you pay for a product/service at a later point of time with a 15 to 30 days interest free period. BNPL is smaller Credit given to a customer for a shorter period of time. Based on this model, various […]
Why Lets Fintech ? Lets Fintech is a portal which we are building to cater the Fintech and Non-Fintech community as a whole. We intend to take Fintech to the common masses and help them understand the Fintech jargons, will educate them about Fintech, will help them understand the importance of Fintechs in their lives. […]
Checking your CIBIL Score is the basic action you take while applying for a loan. Do you know that a bad CIBIL Score will affect your future Credit taking capabilities? You wonβt be able to take a home loan, a personal loan, or any kind of unsecured loan, apply for a Credit Card, you wonβt […]
What is a Fintech ? This is the most asked question whether someone is a Fintech enthusiast or a Software developer or a banker or a student of the industry. What is that separates a Fintech from a Financial institution ? Why Fintech are not the same as banks as basically they are providing similar […]